4th delivery!! > 이용후기

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4th delivery!!

페이지 정보

작성자 레비카 작성일20-12-17 09:51 조회1,111회 댓글1건


4th delivery!!
Always so speedy and well packaged. They are very professional and know their way around USA customs - and lately even the shipping price is better than it ever has been, it seems! I was very happy.

unfortunately my package had lot of heavy contents - so the plastic candle was cracked and broken.. But everything else was just fine, even the hand mirror. BNSHOP is definitely my go to for ordering overseas! ????????‍♀️
2020/12/17 re* 님
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비앤샵님의 댓글

비앤샵 작성일

안녕하세요 고객님
저희 비앤샵 이용에 감사드립니다 ^^
앞으로도 필요한 물품이 있으면 언제든지 찾아주세요.

상호명 : 비앤컴퍼니 ㅣ 대표 : 김민수 ㅣ 사업자등록번호 : 638-86-00449
통신판매업 : 제2016-성남수정-0071호 ㅣ 전화번호 : 070-4401-3283 ㅣ 주소 : 경기도 성남시 수정구 복정동 698 1층 비앤샵
개인정보관리자 : 김민수(SHOPBN@NATE.COM)